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THANK YOU! Why I am Deleting My Account…

I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my posts, give me a “like” or even subscribe to my site. A few months ago I decided that I would like to take my blog to the next level and utilize a hosting provider. Because of this, my…

Boeuf aux Carottes (French Beef with Carrots)

I know I say this all the time but this one was just so good! It looks like it would be similar to an American beef stew but I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t (I am not usually a beef stew fan).  The sauce, instead of being super beefy, was actually pretty sweet! One…

Pad Thai

When I first decided to do Thailand this week I knew I had to cover Pad Thai – it is my takeout go to! The thing I didn’t realize? How “Americanized” most of the Pad Thai is that we can get in the United States. **A lot of what goes into that sweet and tangy…


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