Perfectly Steamed Maine Lobster

Lobster is my favorite food in the WHOLE world. That being said, it can for sure be a little temperamental in terms of cooking for all of us – INCLUDING restaurants!! My family always had “Lobster Sunday’s” growing up where on the Sunday’s surrounding Memorial Day, the 4th of July and Labor Day dozens of…

Honduran Tapado Soup

My boyfriend is currently in Honduras for work and seeing as I know so little about the country, I thought that an authentic Honduran dish would be a great way to start this blog. Tapado – a popular soup in Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, and the Caribbean – is packed with seafood and starchy and sweet…


Hey everyone!! My name is Kimberly Savage and I am a food and travel junkie – I live to visit and explore new places. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has put any potential plans on the chopping block and my exploring days have come to a stand-still. I personally think that the best way to experience a new place or…